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Developing a robust, multimodal, and redundant Emergency Notification networ

Multi-layered emergency alerting is a crucial component of any effective mass notification strategy. 

Join us for our third Emergency Management Forum on Thursday, December 2 from 1:00 - 2:00 P.M. EST. We’ll review the importance of leveraging robust, multimodal, and redundant emergency notification networks to quickly disseminate life-saving information before, during, and after an all-hazards emergency.

During this live webinar, attendees will:

  • Explore the value in implementing a diverse network of emergency notification systems into their emergency preparedness and response programs

  • Strategically identify and categorize emergency notification systems

  • Master how and when to deploy emergency communications vs. routine communications 

  • Discover real use-cases demonstrating how to effectively utilize emergency notification systems in a crisis

Speaker: Gil Zavlodaver, Director of Professional Services, Alertus Technologies

Gil is the Director of Professional Services at Alertus, and in this role he helps our customers develop and/or enhance their Emergency Management programs. He is in charge of educating customers on Emergency Management concepts, structures, processes, and procedures and helping customers understand when they should use their emergency notification system along with providing practical, usable, and customizable emergency management resources.