Alertus Military Mass Notification Solutions

Army | Marine Corps | Navy | Air Force | Coast Guard

Providing comprehensive emergency notification coverage can be challenging for military bases, ammunition plants, and transfer points, as facilities can vary from an expansive base to an administrative or industrial setting. Therefore, the emergency notification system must be flexible to accommodate a sometimes large footprint or loud environment.

The Alertus System is a secure, premise-based system for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) environments. Our unified mass notification solution integrates with access control, sensors, gate systems, and multiple data feed vectors, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), Alertus ThreatWatcher™, and various Rich Site Summary (RSS) formats.

Implement Comprehensive, Multi-layered Notification 

By integrating existing devices with the Alertus System, military facilities can reach a level of reliability and redundancy that other disparate systems can't deliver.

Fire Alarm Control Panel Interface

Integrate fire panels with the Alertus System to broadcast notifications over multiple communication paths and facilities in one step.

Digital Signage Override 

Rapidly deploy crisis communications from the Alertus Console to targeted individual screens or groups of screens organized by category or geography.

AlertAware® Mobile

Equip Emergency Management Officers with the ability to reach military personnel across large areas and multiple facilities at their fingertips.

Alertus Desktop™ Notification

Utilize keyboard hotkeys to discreetly trigger desktop alerts across facilities the moment an emergency strikes.

VoIP Phone Notification

Activate critical information across your military base and receive essential emergency alerts right at your desk.

Increase Alert Visibility Across Military Facilities

Following the release of the Fort Hood report, military facilities must be able to alert everyone in an emergency. The Alertus System meets these needs and provides solutions known for reliability, localized targeting, ADA accessibility, and interoperability.


Alert Beacon®

These devices are ADA-compliant and provide audible and visual alerts, ideal for large areas or loud environments, remote areas where existing systems are unavailable, or across commands and tenants on a single base.

Placing just one or a few Alert Beacons in each building can rapidly speed up the dissemination of critical information and ensure message accuracy. There are no contact databases to maintain or "opt-in" publicity campaigns, and personnel receive localized alerts when cell phones are silenced or are sleeping in barracks.


High Power Speaker Array

Run commands in real-time, run tests, check device status, and manage configurations remotely. This device contains certified software behind Department of Defense firewalls, making this system one of the safest and most secure options.

Mobile High Power Speaker Array

Purpose-built to serve at-risk and critical spaces such as field bases and pop-up medical tents, this mobile outdoor speaker is ideal for command and control units and as a temporary public address system during emergencies.


LED Marquee

Alertus LED marquees integrate with the Alert Beacon® to offer a cost-effective way to reach large, high-noise indoor or outdoor areas on base with emergency notifications or simple announcements.

Meet Codes and Mandates with Alertus 

  • Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)

    • Many organizations, including the Department of Defense and Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, depend on the Alertus System, which meets and exceeds all Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) requirements.

  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

  • The National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (NFPA 72)

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  • The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)

  • Integrated Public Alert Warning System (IPAWS)

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