Business Continuity and Mass Notification Systems

Business Continuity &
Mass Notification Systems

How to be Prepared

By Kat Wilkerson, Content Marketing Specialist at Alertus Technologies

Did you know emergency notification systems protect not only your personnel but also ensure reliable risk management and business continuity?

Understanding potential threats and implementing an emergency preparedness plan helps organizations stay vigilant in the wake of a crisis. Though your organization might not have all the answers employees seek, keeping everyone informed, educated, and updated can help maintain productivity and minimize business disruption with crisis communication. 

Below, we’ll discuss three actions you can implement to ensure business continuity by utilizing Emergency Alert System.

Increase Redundancy for Efficient Communication in Emergency Notifications

Alertus Mass Notification System

Relying solely on mass emails or SMS/TXT messages to communicate time-sensitive information creates gaps in coverage. Therefore, increasing notification redundancy reduces communication failure and quickly heightens awareness and urgency.

With Alertus’ multilayered and integrated MNS, you can send several redundant messages through every communication channel, including digital signage, fire alarm panels, speakers, or VoIP phones. Additionally, remote employees receive geo-targeted alerts regarding emergency procedures and protocols, office closures, and more through laptop and desktop notifications and the Alertus Recipient App.

Unify your Emergency Mass Notification Systems

Activating your Alertus Mass Notification System

Organizations today are focused on improving their crisis communication and reach to enhance safety and improve business continuity. Comprehensive notification solutions are vital to their success. With Alertus’ industry-leading capabilities, you can unify your facility's infrastructure and IT assets to streamline your emergency communication and response procedures. Minimizing the resources required to maintain your systems allows you to spend time efficiently before, during, and after an emergency.

Test Your Alert System Regularly

IP TTS Speaker Digital Override System Test

Routine MNS tests are crucial to ensuring notification efficiency and reliability and educating people in your facilities on appropriate emergency guidelines, including your activating staff and recipients.

When testing your Alertus System, it’s essential to develop a plan and ensure everyone is comfortable with their roles and responsibilities. We recommend monthly or quarterly testing to prepare your organization for a real emergency and to ensure your System will work when you need it most. Concluding your test, be sure to document and analyze response time data to improve company protocols and emergency awareness and maintain business continuity.

Emergencies are unpredictable, but implementing these three actions can help your organization maintain business continuity as quickly and best as possible.

Learn More

How to Maintain Business Continuity Before, During, and After Unpredictable Emergencies

To help communities, workplaces, and schools better prepare for any emergency, this blog dives into a wide range of preparedness strategies, recommendations, and tips to maintain business continuity before, during, and after an emergency.


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Kat Wilkerson