Alertus Technologies

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Alertus Technologies and the Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association award an Emergency Preparedness Grant to St. Lawrence University

Beltsville, MD – Alertus Technologies, a leader in emergency mass notification solutions, has announced that, in partnership with the Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association (NECUSA), it has awarded an emergency preparedness grant to St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. The grant, valued up to $75,000, was awarded last month during NECUSA’s 68th Annual Conference, held virtually.  

As the grant recipient, St. Lawrence University will receive Alertus’ Mass Notification software and hardware to enhance their safety infrastructure. In addition, they will get three years of support in order to maximize the system’s capabilities. This is the second consecutive year that Alertus and NECUSA have joined forces to provide NECUSA member institutions with the opportunity to receive funding and support to improve security within their campus communities. 

“NECUSA is honored to partner with Alertus and once again offer this grant opportunity to one of our members. This partnership is part of NECUSA’s long tradition of supporting and increasing safety and security on campuses across the northeast,” said Christopher Lloyd, President of NECUSA and Director, Office of Safety & Security at Cairn University. “This is the second such grant offered to a NECUSA member by Alertus, and their generosity has provided the opportunity now for two campuses to not only be compliant in their mass notification requirements, but to be able to offer a level of safety and security they may not otherwise have been able to provide. We are excited for St. Lawrence, and while we hope they never have to use the system, they can have peace of mind knowing they’re providing a state of the art notification system to their students and employees.”

“St. Lawrence University is proud of our NECUSA membership and we are excited to be selected by Alertus as the recipient of this grant,” said St. Lawrence’s Assistant Vice President of Safety & Security Patrick Gagnon. “Our highest priority is ensuring the safety of our campus community, and this partnership with Alertus will greatly enhance the safety of our students, staff, faculty and guests. We will use this grant to purchase and implement additional safety notification devices on our campus to provide a highly visible platform for emergency notifications in the event of an emergency. We appreciate this opportunity and we look forward to our new relationship with Alertus.”

The Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant program is designed to provide under-resourced organizations with the hardware and software tools needed to effectively prepare for and respond to a crisis situation. This program is an extension of the Safe in Seconds initiative, which has provided over 700 non-profit organizations across the world with the Alertus Desktop™ Notification tool. 

“Every campus deserves access to the tools needed to help keep their community safe and secure. We are proud to continue our work with NECUSA and reach more schools across the Northeast that are committed to public safety in higher education,” said Caroline Kilday, Director of Marketing and head of Philanthropy at Alertus.  

Alertus Philanthropy Contact

Caroline Kilday, Director of Marketing

202.253.7887 x781 |

About Alertus Technologies

Since 2002, Alertus has pioneered the emergency mass notification space, helping organizations find innovative notification solutions for disaster risk reduction. Alertus believes that all organizations and communities vulnerable to risk, from potential violence or natural disaster, should have access to life-saving mass notification solutions, regardless of available resources. Through raising awareness, sharing technical expertise, and granting its solutions to at-need organizations, Alertus is committed to supporting the creation of disaster-resilient societies across the world.


The Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association (NECUSA) is the oldest campus security/law enforcement organization in the United States. Established in 1953 as a small group of security and police professionals coming together to share information on issues facing their campuses, today it has grown to include an outreach of over 400 institutions ranging from public and private, two-year and four-year, large and small, sworn and unsworn. NECUSA membership benefits include access to strong networking, professional development, training programs and resources, leadership and advocacy, publications, peer reviews, and organizational partnerships.